View Profile Psy-nigma

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You need to do some touch ups!

you must be new to fl studio,
But thats ok If you need help I teach fl studio.

for starters i see you were trying to make a heavy kick and the such.
using preset samples are ok but you need to make sure your not losing the sound quality to your work.

you could get this song to sound much better. and be all the more love for chickens if you keep working at it.

kind of reminds me when i first started out like 5 years ago.

good luck and enjoy.

BobDoleEatsChickens responds:

thanks 4 commenting

Hey Nice Style!

For a few days in logic you are still making some awesome work. I thought your drums were a lil to sparatic in the beginning but they fit perfect later on.

I am going throught whole downtempo phase right now so let me know if you want to collab on a project. I use primarily fl studio.

Keep the flow going!

tijnn responds:

I have used FL for many months really, thanks for the support, i'll surely hit you up soon!


Good work Freeze!

I like the track you written here, its beauty out rises its creepyness. good use of pacing and all the sounds work very good with each other. can't say there is anything worth mentioning that is bad about your song.

Enjoy and good luck to you.

JoeyFreezeMusic responds:

Thanks very much, that's nice of you to say.

hey love the bass!

this song reminds me a lot of Felix laband

Its been ages since I have heard from you whats new?

dmess responds:

Yeah sorry, i had a big project goin'.
But now i'm back for more music. see my new post.

Greetz from the netherlands.

Real enlightment

the track hits the mood of chill just right so it trickles out and takes you to where it wants to be.

I only have one concern for an extended mix that it is the intro seemed a little to long and he ending didn't seem to be there.

other than that I really enjoyed the piano work in the song and the very intrigued bass. the drums I fell in love with and was very concerned during the intro hoping this song was going to hit the right percs.

Keep it up!

ID-N responds:

thank u for the great rewiev
yes i had thinking very long about the ending, i haven´t find better one
next work would be better i think

yeeeah!!! its collab time :D:D:D:D


Getting There!

I enjoyed what you were doing towards the end of the track
I could have pictured more work going into keeping the piano in the mix longer.

the guitar at the very beginning you should keep some of the clips at the end of its sample and others not have them to make the track seem more catchy. the drums are cool I was hoping more from them too.

Like your style in this track keep it up!

Jawnster responds:

Yeah I keep hearing things wrong with it when I listen to it again >.<
Oh well. Thanks for the great review :P

hair raise at 1:12

thats a sign of professional work!
nicely executed.

MrAw3s0me responds:

thx :D

Neat Track!

I like all the minor details you have in your track. all the sounds work great and your percs are fun and awesome.

Keep it up!

kiyurasuki responds:

Thank you very much, I will do that :)

I dig it!

I like the way this unravels.
and I can totally picture a part 2 to this track where its a lil more DNB.

Keep it up!

nameless11 responds:

Pure inspiration is what drove the creation of this track..I made a cool sample along with the drums and went from there. Thanks for the 10..not sure if Ive ever gotten one of those :0.

Havin fun with the Luv!

yeah track has interesting twists and turns that is what i like most about it. the fx are fun and enjoyable since they aren't common to hear in songs.

few things:
listen to your first review: lower the drums a tad in the intro. raise that pulse sound a little. when you go to export the song make sure to crop out sounds that arent audible so you dont have a long period of silence at the end.

one more thing around 2 minutes the bass should line up more with the percs to help listener follow the track more and enjoy it.

otherwise great work!

nameless11 responds:

Well thanks alot! Yes ive gotten alot of talk about the drums which is understandable because I didnt use the best samples and the bass got lost in the fx a little.

Hello There! Originally from New Jersey I spend most of my time going to college in Vermont and composing music. Currently have two albums in production and lots of experience using the music programs FLstudio, Ableton, and Cubase. Email me for a collab

Trevor Dericks @Psy-nigma

Age 36, Male


champlain college

Burlington VT, USA

Joined on 1/31/08

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