View Profile Psy-nigma
Hello There! Originally from New Jersey I spend most of my time going to college in Vermont and composing music. Currently have two albums in production and lots of experience using the music programs FLstudio, Ableton, and Cubase. Email me for a collab

Trevor Dericks @Psy-nigma

Age 36, Male


champlain college

Burlington VT, USA

Joined on 1/31/08

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910 / 1,110
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Psy-nigma's News

Posted by Psy-nigma - June 15th, 2009

The only thing left to do is decide between 2 tracks for the final cut. and finishing the back and inside cover art.

I am also taking this one step further and in the process of sending this cd as a demo to some record lables and getting it printed professionally.

The second Album release will be coming later this year and with many of my more recent tracks. half the tracks are done for it and most are in different stages of completing.

I have also done music for videogames those are available upon request and email address along with other tracks that I have cut from the albums.

some tracks from the first album and second are here on newgrounds from different stages of their creation:

1st Album {Hinderance to Actuality} 17 tracks:
Dervishing Slopes: (older version)
Kayner Weave: (complete)
Phaychu: (older version)
Iota Chloe: (older version)
Fluttering Chimera: (older version)
Wanning Sun: (complete)
Moon Casting Rays: (older version)
Geno's Underwood: (older version)
Shattered Flakes: (older version)
Caressed: (complete)

2nd Album {Aberrant Twilight} 17 tracks:
Don't Fall Again (older version)
Sunday Aleve (older version)
Gateway of the Void (older version)

Download the tracks now! after the release of the album most will be taken down.

First album release coming soon!


Posted by Psy-nigma - May 6th, 2009

Hey There,
Its been a while since I have been on NG.

Right now I am in the process of becoming a PC flstudio music teacher,
I have also been working on some new sample tracks sharpening my overall skills and perfecting the use of the basic vsts inside the program.

It is officially summer for me now so I will be spending time learning how to use ableton and cubase and most of all the bass guitar in my freetime.

more to expect from me is that I should have music appearing in a flash game very soon just have to send the songs.

And I also just finished a PC futuristic racing game soundtrack for a video game that a group of college game developers spent a semester creating.

As for personal music projects I will be posting unfinished tracks on newgrounds now seeing that it is my goal to come out with an album by 2010.

My other goal is to find a stepfile artist to step a song of mine for flash flash revolution.

thanx for visiting and feel free to contact me.

p.s. listen to Zero G Lab my new WIP, this is a sample of what I can do in a few hours. I will let you know when I update and finish this track. but for now its cool as it is.

Posted by Psy-nigma - March 11th, 2009

Last month I didn't reach most of my goals but this month will be better.

Whats better?:
I'm 21 {woot}
I won the virus wars on my com {dam lasass and crack site}
have collabs started
Most of my college work is done

What are the plans this month?:
Learning Cubase
Practice using recorded sounds
maybe finish a couple of the many song projects I have
{ I have so many right now and some are becoming excellent tracks }

If you want to collab or get sneak peaks of my music or if you just want to talk or learn how to use programs hit me up!

Email = trevpd@yahoo.com
Aim = kaielsz
or pm me.

Posted by Psy-nigma - February 1st, 2009

Hello everyone,

its a new month and that means new plans:

songs to be worked on:

turning tides
gateway of voids
going postal
its going to be ok
and various collabs.

What else is new:

School has been starting to become crazy. that means less time to spend on projects. along with school i work at 3 different schools as a teacher keeping me busy busy. My plans for recording bass and vocals will become soon after i find where i packed my lyrics when i moved.

Artists of the month:

Bluetech - pheonix rising (first cd i bought this year and it has been an inspiration to my work)
Portishead - (amazing how she can make downtempo music with a orchestra)

Posted by Psy-nigma - January 12th, 2009

I will be learning programs Ableton and Cubase and how to record through them.

I will be learning the bass guitar and recording it along with recording lyrics.

I will be revising a few songs that were given to me to take a look at:

Secret Pocket
The Nameless
Party on the beach

I will be working on my three tracks:

Its going to be... ok
Enduring Banks
Phendrana Drifts (Metriod Remix)

I will be starting a non stop mix of songs from other NG friends remixing their songs.

P.S. If you have an .flp file of a song you might want me to include in the mix send it to me through an email = trevpd@yahoo.com

This Month ... and maybe next month ....

Posted by Psy-nigma - December 21st, 2008

These next few weeks I will be doin lots of traveling across the east coast...

Anyhow I figured mine as well make a statement for the New Years Resolution.

This year I plan to finalize my best songs and work on more collab projects. My goal is to work on getting my style more recognizable in my music and to help others learn to develop their own. With all that said I also would really like to publish my first purchasable album before the end of the year.

I already performed my end of the year ritual of remixing in one night, my song "The Beginning".

Take a listen and enjoy!
Have a great Holiday Vacation and New Years!

Posted by Psy-nigma - December 8th, 2008

When school work is in overload.

I would like to thank the Newgrounds community. Lately I have been getting lots of positive feedback about my music and gratitude from my reviews.

I just wanted to say that during this month and january I will be putting up my older music from between 7-4 years ago when I first started. This music predates my knowledge of Fl studio, ableton, reason and cubase. at the time i only knew about Acid, Ejay, MTV music generator, and Audacity. I also will be willing to share some of my music through emails and messenger clients. Today I was looking through my folder of all my tracks finished and unfinished and it was a whopping 2.2 gigs large.

I will also be testing out new vsti's this month. My goal is to re engineer my sound studio on my computer so that all my programs are connected through rewire and the best of all of them are at my disposal for making music. Meaning if you have Vsti's that are awesome let me know.

I will also help other users out in making there sound studios as I work on mine as well.


p.s.=== currently Shattered Flakes is being judged at Overclocked remix. Wish me luck and take a listen. one of my goals in life is to have one track make it to the OC.

Posted by Psy-nigma - November 16th, 2008

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone in the forums and in the reviews for taking the time to give valuable feedback. It really means a lot to me to know that people do like my music and expect to hear more from me and my potential.

If you are interested in learning how to use Fl studio pm me. I have been teaching others on newgrounds and have 4 years experience with the program.

On another note I am always looking to do song projects with anyone and almost any genre of music.

See you around!

Posted by Psy-nigma - October 30th, 2008

Wow I have been on this sight for a long time and have never posted anything except my own music. But tonight I have changed all of that. If it is one thing I've learned no one will listen to the guy if he is only concerned about himself. Starting tonight I will be going through many of the audio submissions on this sight posting constructive criticism and the highlights I enjoyed about all the artists. My goal is to be more known throughout newgrounds and have people return the feedback of what they enjoyed and hated about my music.

I use mainly fl studio these days. although I do plan to learn ableton and reason. I have yet to find myself the patience to learn a new program to its fullest even though I really want to branch out.

I also wanted to post while I am on a tangent here that I don't post my projects on newgrounds only completed or compositions that I want final reviews and thoughts on. My goal is to use the feedback to make either a remix of my own piece or the small adjustments needed. In the same scenario I feel a little degraded when I listen to projects that don't feel finished unless you warn me and want help or feedback.

I also am more then happy to share my music with everyone and let them remix or sample my work as long as I am asked prior. I am even willing to help you out and support you with my 3GB folder of projects I have sitting on my hard drive. I love composing music as a hobby and anytime if you feel the urge to work on a project together let me know.

currently I am working on finishing my 2nd album, assembling my 3rd album, and starting my 4th one.

# title condition music style

1st - Undiscovered Genesis - finished: various genres, earlier music

2nd - Aberrant Twilight - cover art needed and 2 tracks being finished: Mostly IDM and ambient

3rd - Embrionic lapses - tracks still being finalized and song order: Trance, Industrial, IDM

4th - Quadrasector - Few tracks made: IDM

they are all free at this point in time and if your interested in track lists and copies of the cd's let me know and I will get back to you.

I am finally here!